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What’s happening with this blog?

(LighterLife Management – ongoing)


What on earth happened after September 2010? Well, needless to say I didn’t lose 15 kg. I didn’t lose any kg. I didn’t sign up for coach training and I continued to feel that my life was in need of urgent FIXING.


Until I found a coach for myself. Since late November I’ve been working with a wonderful life coach who is helping to transform the way I think and behave towards myself and the world.

In terms of food and eating and all that, this doesn’t mean I’ve given up on LighterLife. What’s happening is I’m finding ways to sort through the issues which still occasionally lead me to binge eat, and which keep me from managing my weight at a level that I’m comfortable with.

Where & how life coaching is pushing me towards would not be possible without the work that I’ve done on myself with LighterLife, with NLP and with the Geneen Roth workshop that I attended to a couple of years ago. None of those have been for nothing. I would not be here taking the next steps without all that work. In short, I’m now pouncing forward from the great foundation that LighterLife has given me: the beginnings of self-awareness, knowing the importance of taking care of myself first, tools to help me understand what’s going on.

I’m still looking to train as a coach as well, but the decision to begin with getting some coaching for myself was the best I have yet made. The most loving thing I have ever done for myself.

What’s happening with this blog.

I may come back to this blog from time to time, because it’s important to me to keep acknowledging where I am with eating, no matter what other progress I’m making. Also that’s what I wanted to do when I started – keep records of how things are going at least for 5 years from starting LighterLife. This is a safe place for me to talk honestly about my relationship with food, without being judged.

But things must change. Change is good! :D